Some cool love and sex images:
Image by ak42
Image by ak42
Image by ak42
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Answer by kerabooo
Yes you could have. It's unlikely but always possible. Pulling out is like russian roulette. You should know within a week or two that you feel a little different, your breasts will feel funny, like a little more heavy than usual, and in one month you can take pregnancy tests from a grocery store.
Answer by Tammy
Uh yeah!
Answer by Needing some Advice
I suggest having an open conversation about it before getting physical. At that age, I would hope you're both mature enough to respect one another's feelings. There's nothign wrong with two consenting adults doing as they please, just don't expect them to feel the same way you do without first asking.
Answer by Larry L
Definitely not. And since you asked, I'm going to tell you one of the great secrets that women don't want us guys to know.
Women are actually more sexual than men.
They just want us to think that they can take it or leave it as a way to try to control us. "Do want I want or no sex for you!"
Answer by I'm Walken On Sunshine
love and other drugs was pretty dirty;)
Answer by Sheena
You don't need to be in a relationship to have sex. You go out and find someone to have sex with, or you don't have sex. This isn't rocket science.
Dump him and report my mother to the police for statutory rape. If he's underage.
Then I'd move out and never talk to either one again.